Sunday 26 October 2014

India is Better than Iran

Reyhaneh jabbari
           Toady when I started reading News paper . I just went through a news in which Heading was "Iran hangs woman for killing man who tried to rape her" . I was shocked by reading this news and after that I went through this news and I understand all the story.
          A women named Reyhaneh Jabbari was convicted for murder . Actually she was self defensing herself for not being a victim of rape in 2007. She killed a official person named Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi , a former employee of Iran's Ministry of Intelligence.
Stoning on Reyhaneh Jabbari in Iran
           But Iran's top court rejected the claim of attempted rape and said all evidence proved that Reyhaneh Jabbari had plotted to kill Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi. 
           The decision of top court is based only one thing which may be a Coincidence that she had purchased a knife two days before the Commencement of asasination . and the top Court find her guilty and punished him with 7 year Imprisonment and after that on 2009 she was sentenced to death by Tehran Supreme court. By reading all this news . I can say one thing with full of confidence that  "India is Better than Iran".
People Against of the Tehran Court Decision
          She had completed her Imprisonment duration behind the bars. But no one took a stand for her and Today is the day to hang her .But this was Injustice and now if she will be hanged than this will be offence on our Humanity. and this should not be treated as a country base Injustice.
              Her case drew International Outcry and Sparked a petition urging her release , which has garnered over 190,000 signatures.
              Her Death was described as a " Travesty " by Amnesty International.