Monday 27 October 2014

Islam is the Religion of Peace not Terror

                    I watched the video. I am talking about the James Foley's beheading video. The true nature of this war has been so carefully hidden every supplied statistic and every image pruned like a prize rosebush. But the slaughter of James Foley seemed unspinnable. it was digital information for everyone who choose to look.
James Foley
                   Anyway I watched it A masked Islamic state militant holding a knife next to a man purported to be U.S journalist at an unknown location in the open desert. As much for effect , as for Identification the tape begins with clips of Foley's last word's and that is "I call on my friend's , family and loved ones to rise up against my real killers. I wish , I had more time. I wish , I could have hope of freedom to see my family once again.

James Foley on work
                 After watching this video . I was eager to know more about James Foley, then I found, He is James Wright "Jim "  Foley an American citizen and American Journalist and also a video reporter. He was working as a freelance war correspondent during Syrian civil war . He was the first American citizen killed by Islamic State of  Iraq and the Levant ( ISIL ) Which became now Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ( ISIS ) .

                On the Morning of 5 April 2011 when James Foley was in Brega , Libya . His Friend's were detained with him and a Spanish photographer detained at this time. Actually that time He and he his team films Libyan NTC fighters attacking the west side of Colonel Gaddafi 's home of sirte . He was detained by Gaddafi Supporter's . when he detained and one of his friend were dead in cross firing he stated that "Once I saw Anton Lying there dead,it was like everything had changed. The whole world has changed. I don't even know that I felt some of the blows.

Foley during Syrian Civil War
                Jim was released from the jail 44 days later. On 18 May In an Interview he said "You go through different emotions when you are in captivity... These weird extreme ideas of where you are based on this capture. You don't want to be defined as that guy who got captured in 2011. I believe front line journalism is Important without it we can't tell the world how bad it might be. Foley also wrote an article for Marquette Magazine about how rosary prayers helped him through his captivity.His experience of being captured did not deter him; he quickly returned to Libya, and at was the scene of Muammar Gaddafi's capture with global post correspondent Tracy Shelton on October 20, 2011. Foley Contined working as a freelancer for Global Post and other media outlets Like Agence France-Press during the Syrian Civil War.
                 James Foley's whereabouts were unknown to most untill August 19, 2014, when ISIS uploaded a video to YouTube entitled "A Message to America ". Though quickly deleted, it continued to circulate widely on other internet sites. Filmed in several takes. The preface starts with a preface of Obama announcing the first U.S airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq.It then cuts to Foley kneeling in the desert next to a masked , black-clad IS fighter where Foley reads a long message expressing regret. After Foley stops , the executioner condemns the U.S air strikes and threatens like
James Foley

"This is James Wright Foley an American Citizen of your country as a Government you have been the forefront of their christian towards an Islamic state. Toady your military Air force is attacked in Iraq. You strikes of course casualties on Mosque's of Muslim's. We are an Islamic army and state that has been accepted by large number of muslims worldwide so affectively any christian towards Islamic State is any Christian toward's Muslim. So any attempt by you Obama to deny the Muslims their rights of living safely under the Islamic state will resolve in the blood shed of your people.

            My Opinion 

       By watching all this . I was thinking, what happened to Humanity. Why this much of hate and terror they have in their mind ,Is it Jihad ?. 
       Being a Muslim I was shocked and as per my knowledge and belief it's not Jihad neither Islam permits Muslims to kill any innocent people , It doesn't matter that people belonging from which religion or community. They are not following Islam because Islam's one of the meaning is "PEACE" . and "Peace" is mentioned 58 times in the Holy Quran and it is certainty the most sought after condition for the life of every human on the Earth.

       But I didn't stopped here for a meanwhile I stopped thinking as Islamic follower, I stopped thinking based on my Opinion and I started searching for the information and start filtering the exact meaning of "Islam" and "Jihad".

      Finally I found the Meaning of "Islam" which was derived from Arabic word "Salema" means Peace,Surrender,Sincerity & Purity(to Allah) and Obedience. and then I remind every thing about the beheading story of James Foley.
A masked Islamic State Militant holding a knife speaks next to  US journalist James Foley  in the open desert at an Unknown location somewhere in Iraq or Syria

       They are Terrorist's not the Islamic Army and They are not fighting for any Islamic State because any Islamic state can't be built by Terrorism by War or by the River of Blood's. If they are saying that they are Islamic Army and they are fighting for Islam than they are Doing only terrorism and defaming Islam.
U.S President Barack Obama regrets on loss of Jim Foley 

       I believe that they are not belonging from my Religion because We believe to give respect to others and after all if they belong's from Our Religion than I pray for them to Allah " They are mentally sick and they are doing havoc on humanity and they are defaming Islam religion so please take them back".
        But Here Terrorism does'st end after that they Murdered Israeli-American Journalist Steven Sotloff and two British aid worker David haines and Alan Henning in the same manner.

       Whatever they did with people Islam Doesn't permit for this cruelty and Islam is the Religion of Peace not Terror .



  1. people shaming humanity do not belong to any religion ,they are just not humans.

    1. Your point of view deserves appreciation , If every body think's like that than Terrorism will be no more in this world.
