Sunday 1 February 2015

Globalism Vs Nationalism

            Survival of the fittest. A familiar term to most, and more importantly, a phrase Lived by all existence. It is Nature s MOST basic ideally That reside in all Living Beings. From the ancient times of the dinosaurs to the modern generation of the human being. According To Charles Darwin, Natural-through the process of selection, nature ensued That only physical posses characterístics Those Who Were That suited to Their environment would survive. All Those Who not, die. A homogeneous species of any kind would not likely survive for a very long duration. If a single trait That a race needed to survive Were not present,: such as resistance to cold temperatures, estate group of living organisms would all die off. Diversity Makes Un certain groups inherit various characteristics and life will just thus preserved for another generation. If there is a wider range of attributes, then a there is a more resistance to failure. In fact, Un certain adaptation over the course of millions of years Have Contributed to the survival of species. The present day alligator has-been around since the Jurassic time period. Through fossils, Numerous studies Have Showed the structural adaptations That Proceeded to support the species. Such things as the tail and webbed tendrils to help swim faster, sharpened teeth to devour prey and more Easily heightened, and elevated Also developed a nasal cavity to aid in hunting them.
This same concept can be Applied to Human Beings. As we all know, the human race is all but one whole. There are Hundreds of Thousands of divisions amongst itself. Things: such as race, creed, color and region all Which Affect the classification of a human is put under. The question of Reviews having a more universal, homogenous race of humans or to more melting pot humanity is yet to be answered. Under a government movement Towards a universal system Provides Between differenciallity less people and just thus a more harmonious state is achieved. Major problems: such as
racism, genocide and inequality are eliminated if society is to be Placed center under one leader. But there is a price to pay if only one dominant figure rules the human race. Diversity, variety and room for change is lost and forgotten. Identities of oneself is lost, there is not I but rather we Replaced With. Also, a balance of power is shifted radically under a global government system due to the power That is held in the hands of a few, or to oligarchy. As one can see Clearly, there is more disadvantage into Moving towards a more universal government system.
Undoubtedly, human kind is naturally very. There are many aspectos to life in Which We can not control but rather controls us. Compassion for one another, the longing for love and the need to belong are all natural necessities That all humanity needs. Critics Have Said Repeatedly over the course of time variety is the spice of life. Taking esta quotation and Applying it to this issue, we can see That under one rule, things would simply fall apart. Just like how mankind is genetically created to be different in order to preserve life, one must live in distinct lifestyles in order for a balance to occur. We all learn from one another and That is how life is preserved for another generation. The fall of communism opened doors for democracy to move in Because there was no longer fixed the vote and forced political views. It is from the mistakes That are THROUGHOUT That Makes Things Learned stronger. If diversity in the world is not present, then a Greater understanding can not take place. Communism would still rule over the land and life would be wretched With no end in sight. China is a prime example of this. For most of it ITS existence, China has kept ITS borders closed to the rest of the world. Influences Have not ever seen the land of China and it Remained unchanged and untouched. In These Times, there were great problems faced and Were not That Could Be brought` acerca solutions due to the solitude of the country. In Recent times, China has opened up borders and now STI is not a solitary country anymore. Trades With The rest of the world economically and it has Helped new information on how to do things more Efficiently has-been Introduced. Ideologies eleven With Its was one sided view and communistic ideas, but are now spreading in other Ideologies That area. Still, prosperity can not Occur without room to improve increase and equality can not Occur without full perfection, balance and harmony With The state.
It is true That Moving towards a single government system more equality will be established due to the fact That Their leader is one and everyone is under That rule. But in actuality, equality will not be established. If a group of countries are to join together as one whole, it would encompass a wide spectrum of political views, Ideologies, religion, race and color. Instead of one whole body, there is many minority groups present. This transfers an unequal balance of power THROUGHOUT the state. Minority groups present would want a bigger voice in the crowd and get upset. Majority groups present would not want to bow down to the minority groups and just thus Also get upset. Currently esta can be seen world wide. Headlines on every morning papers around the globe are splashed With Kosovo related topics and the Tremendous up-rises occurring there. After World War II was ended, there was many Changes THROUGHOUT the area of Europe, many country clubs and boundaries FORMED Have Been altered. One country, Yugoslavia was formed. In This nation, races of all kinds Were put together to live as one. There are very many clashes Between the Citizens de este state due to the cultural and religious expats. One minority group, the Serbs, are fighting for independence and Currently Their own territory. In Recent Times They Are slaughtering Hundreds of Thousands of Ethnic Albanians to get Their Way. By combine combining groups of people all with very distinct características and Placing them under one order, it is only passable That violence will only outcome. There are too many barriers to Overcome That at one point it only leads to frustration.
And even though That everyone is under one command, the minority group will want more say in matters, and the majority group will not want to bend down over to them. This is always going to be a reality Because a minority group will always be present. The majority of the population will be accustomed to Being the elite group of society and THEREFORE Should Have The most power, Critics would argue esta That would enrage the minority group and give them more power. There would be a constant Struggle for power That would be never ending and results May be devastating. The French Revolution can be used as a great example for this. In the 1780 s, bankrupted by His support of rebellion in the British colonies, the French king was forced to levy taxes on His people. The people in turn revolted Against the king and Reached out for a monarchy for the people. The end result Was That the people, minority, won the Struggle and Received what was needed. The absolute monarch (elite) was toppled and prosperity was on the way up once again on.
In fact, encompassing a Enormous amount of people are into one and under one rule would be disastrous. One would encounter a variety of opinions on Which type of government system Should be used. But the twist comes here, there is not an actual perfect system in society today of running a country one hundred percent efficient. All the different political and economical Ideologies correct each other and fixes some of each other s problems. For example, communism equality corrects the problem of democracy, and democracy corrects the problem of efficiency of communism. By choosing one method over the other Could and will cause up-risal and discontent from the people. In China, a primary example would be found by focusing on the Tiennamen Square incident. Were there many student protesters marched into the square That and wanted a change from the present day form of communism. In the end, many of the protesters Were Were shot and even more injured or killed.
Human nature is a delicate balance and must be kept in check always. In all areas and Aspects of life, there must be diversity and variety to life so preservation May occur. From good and evil to politics and economics, all must be Numerous in number. From the mistakes and failures That Occur to the Triumphs and tribulations That transpire. All of These are a direct result of the ladder of learning providing That there is a room for growth. A homogenous culture would Prevent Such learning from happening. Ideas and thoughts would be one sided and many disasters would occur. Events: such as Tiennamen Square, World War II, The French Revolution and the Kosovo crisis, would be an
everyday thing if a global government Were to be ADOPTED. Balance of power would be disrupted, and an endless feud would be Fought over Who is more superior. Equality and tranquility can only be Accomplished-through at the price of identity. If at esta point there is no identity of one s self, then a Becomes life is irrelevant.

Sunday 4 January 2015

New Year Resolution

Top Resolution's

New Year resolution's are more like New year Illusion's , 
Nobody follows them because ,
my goal for 2015 is to accomplish the goal of 2014 ,
Which I should have done in 2013 because ,
I promised them in 2012 and planned them in 2011

Happy New Year

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Optimism Faces Grave Realities at Climate Talks

After more than two decades of trying but failing to forge a global pact to halt climate change, United Nations negotiators gathering in South America this week are expressing a new optimism that they may finally achieve the elusive deal.

Even with a deal to stop the current rate of greenhouse gas emissions, scientists warn, the world will become increasingly unpleasant. Without a deal, they say, the world could eventually become uninhabitable for humans.

One of the 400 human figures made by British artist
 Jason de Caires Taylor for the Subaquatic Museum
For the next two weeks, thousands of diplomats from around the globe will gather in Lima, Peru, for a United Nations summit meeting to draft an agreement intended to stop the global rise of planet-warming greenhouse gases.

President Obama and President Xi Jinping of China, with their delegations, met inside the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Wednesday.U.S. and China Reach Climate Accord After Months of TalksNOV. 11, 2014
Machines digging for brown coal in front of a power plant near Grevenbroich, Germany, in April.U.N. Panel Issues Its Starkest Warning Yet on Global WarmingNOV. 2, 2014
Global Warming Concerns GrowSEPT. 22, 2014
An environmental activist dressed as a lobbyist, his hands covered in coal, protested in Brussels in October. Europe has agreed to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent from 1990 levels by 2030.Special Report: Business of Green: Testing the Limits of European Ambitions on EmissionsNOV. 30, 2014
The meeting comes just weeks after a landmark announcement by President Obama and President Xi Jinping of China committing the world’s two largest carbon polluters to cuts in their emissions. United Nations negotiators say they believe that advancement could end a longstanding impasse in the climate talks, spurring other countries to sign similar commitments.

A Child walking near her home with a coal-fired power plant in the background in Beijing, China

But while scientists and climate-policy experts welcome the new momentum ahead of the Lima talks, they warn that it now may be impossible to prevent the temperature of the planet’s atmosphere from rising by 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit. According to a large body of scientific research, that is the tipping point at which the world will be locked into a near-term future of drought, food and water shortages, melting ice sheets, shrinking glaciers, rising sea levels and widespread flooding — events that could harm the world’s population and economy.

Recent reports show that there may be no way to prevent the planet’s temperature from rising, given the current level of greenhouse gases already in the atmosphere and the projected rate of emissions expected to continue before any new deal is carried out.

Expected Sea level Rise
That fact is driving the urgency of the Lima talks, which are expected to produce a draft document, to be made final over the next year and signed by world leaders in Paris in December 2015.

While a breach of the 3.6 degree threshold appears inevitable, scientists say that United Nations negotiators should not give up on their efforts to cut emissions. At stake now, they say, is the difference between a newly unpleasant world and an uninhabitable one.

“I was encouraged by the U.S.-China agreement,” said Michael Oppenheimer, a professor of geosciences and international affairs at Princeton University and a member of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a global body of scientists that produces regular reports on the state of climate science. But he expressed doubts that the threshold rise in global temperature could be prevented.

San Diego, 25-feet-under: Lamm used sea level rise maps from Climate Central to create a formula to calculate how much water there would be on the ground in a specific location
“What’s already baked in are substantial changes to ecosystems, large-scale transformations,” Mr. Oppenheimer said. He cited losses of coral reef systems and ice sheets, and lowering crop yields.

Still, absent a deal, “Things could get a lot worse,” Mr. Oppenheimer added. Beyond the 3.6 degree threshold, he said, the aggregate cost “to the global economy — rich countries as well as poor countries — rises rapidly.”

Felipe Calderón, the chairman of the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate and former president of Mexico. Credit Richard Drew/Associated Press
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The objective now, negotiators say, is to stave off atmospheric temperature increases of 4 to 10 degrees by the end of the century; at that point, they say, the planet could become increasingly uninhabitable.

Eight meters of sea level rise in Manhattan in Google Earth
Officials at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are already reporting that 2014 appears likely to be the warmest year on record.

Since 1992, the United Nations has convened an annual climate change summit meeting aimed at forging a deal to curb greenhouse gases, which are produced chiefly by burning coal for electricity and gasoline for transportation. But previous agreements, such as the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, included no requirements that developing nations, such as India and China, cut their emissions. And until now, the United States has never headed into those summit meetings with a domestic climate change policy in place.

Commission on the Economy and Climate and
former president of Mexico
This spring, a report by 13 federal agencies concluded that climate change would harm the American economy by increasing food prices, insurance rates and financial volatility. In China, the central government has sought to quell citizen protests related to coal pollution.

In June, Mr. Obama announced a new Environmental Protection Agency rule forcing major emissions cuts from coal-fired power plants. State Department negotiators took the decision to China, hoping to broker a deal for a similar offer of domestic action. That led to November’s joint announcement in Beijing: The United States will cut its emissions up to 28 percent by 2025, while China will decrease its emissions by or before 2030.

“Our sense is that this will resonate in the broader climate community, give momentum to the negotiations and spur countries to come forward with their own targets,” said Todd Stern, Mr. Obama’s lead climate change negotiator. “The two historic antagonists, the biggest players, announcing they’ll work together.”

Other negotiators agree. “The prospects are so much better than they’ve ever been,” said Felipe Calderón, the former president of Mexico and chairman of the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate, a research organization.

Beijing Atmosphere Picture taken by The Times of New York

The aim of negotiators in Lima is, for the first time, to produce an agreement in which every nation commits to a domestic plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, along the model of the United States-China agreement. Negotiators expect that by next March, governments will make announcements similar to those made by the United States and China.

The idea is for each country to cut emissions at a level that it can realistically achieve, but in keeping with domestic political and economic constraints. World leaders would sign a deal in Paris next year committing all those nations to their cuts, including a provision that the nations regularly reconvene to further reduce their emissions.

The problem is that climate experts say it almost certainly will not happen fast enough. A November report by the United Nations Environment Program concluded that in order to avoid the 3.6 degree increase, global emissions must peak within the next 10 years, going down to half of current levels by midcentury.
Leonardo Dicaprio on Climate Change in UNO

Continue reading the main storyContinue reading the main storyContinue reading the main story
But the deal being drafted in Lima will not even be enacted until 2020. And the structure of the emerging deal — allowing each country to commit to what it can realistically achieve, given each nation’s domestic politics — means that the initial cuts by countries will not be as stringent as what scientists say is required.

China’s plan calls for its emissions to peak in 2030. Government officials in India, the world’s third-largest carbon polluter, have said they do not expect to see their emissions decline until at least 2040.

While Mr. Obama has committed to United Nations emissions cuts through 2025, there is no way to know if his successor will continue on that path.

That reality is already setting in among low-lying island nations, like the Marshall Islands, where rising seas are soaking coastal soil, killing crops and contaminating fresh water supplies.

“The groundwater that supports our food crops is becoming inundated with salt,” said Tony A. deBrum, foreign minister of the Marshall Islands. “The green is becoming brown.”

Many island nations are looking into buying farmland in other countries to grow food and, eventually, to relocate their populations.

In Lima, those countries are expected to demand that a final deal include aid to help them adapt to the climate impacts that have already arrived.

Impact of Climate Change

Friday 28 November 2014

The Wolf of Dalal Street

I watched the movie and I loved the movie “The Wolf of Wall street”. Can’t call it one of Scorsese’s classics but will certainly rate it as one of the better movies that released recently. The true story about Jordan Belfort, a stock broker who once ruled the wallstreet. . The Wolf of Wall street grossed $266,235,000 worldwide, yeah that much.

As I was watching the movie, I was immediately reminded of our desi wolf “Harshad Mehta”. He certainly was a mighty wolf of “Dalal street” and had an equally (in)famous life as Belfort and his life inspired a movie as well, “Gafla” released in 2006. I have watched that one too. If I were to compare the two, I’d rate “Gafla” as the better one. Sure it lacked glamor, starcast, F Words, drugs and nudity but it scored where it mattered the most, the script and acting. And “Vinod Sharawat” the lead actor was splendid. But “Gafla” bombed at the box office. It couldn’t even earn three crores at the box office in spite of having a good script and actors that could act well. Because it didn’t have popular actors, there was no publicity and marketing and the movie didn’t belong to a branded production house.

The problem with Indian cinema is that no Indian Leonardo DiCaprio(A Shah Rukh or Akshay Kumar or Ajay Devgn) is willing to do a “Gafla”. The problem with Indian Cinema is that no Indian “Paramount Pictures” (A Mukta Arts or a UTV Motion) is willing to do “Gafla”. The problem with Indian cinema is that no one wishes to market a movie like “Gafla”. And hence directors of such movies keep biting the dust and the actors just vanish into the darkness of anonymity.

80% of our movies are packed with absurd comic punches, physics defying stunts and absolutely senseless unidirectional stories. The direction and screenplay are pathetic and the acting is either insipid or over dramatic. The rest 20% keep trying but they don’t have funds, they don’t have stars and they all have a family to feed. And hence they are dying a slow death. The top grossers of Bollywood are as follows:

Dhoom 3
Chennai Express
3 Idiots
Happy New Year
Krrish 3
Bang Bang
Ek Tha Tiger
Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani
Dabangg 2

And yes in that order. Take three idiots out of that list and see what a sad list we are left with. And now look at this list:

Gangs of Wasseypur
Pan Singh Tomar
Black Friday
A Wednesay
Stanley Ka Dabba
Bheja Fry
I Am

These are the recent ones that I believe deserve more than what they got. All of them combined can’t beat the box office collection of the last movie in the previous list. The problem with Indian Cinema is that even if our directors try giving us good movies, we still go ahead and watch the pathetic ones that have a better star cast(not in terms of acting prowess) and are marketed well.

We as audience need to evolve. There are Tarantinos and Kubricks and Scorceses and Spielbergs in India. There are DiCaprios and Pacinos and DeNiros and Pitts in India. We just need to identify and support them. We need to get out of the “the one that earns more is a better movie” mindset. Remember “Spiderman-3” earned more than “No Country for Old men” and we all know how pathetic Spidey was in his third version.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Today I will talk against two people

Today I will talk, will get it out. but for whom? The government? Not against politicians? No !! against those who are taking advantage of the weaknesses of others? No !!

Today I will talk against two people; The two people most responsible for all these faults!

Dude, are busy at work, all the time slips, what to do?

 Man responsibilities, family tension, the what ??

Against only two people I talk, I do not mean the rest of the people, not complaining at , I have pain but they don't have my medicine ; Against only two people I talk .

Change is change call themselves, do not fuckin 'know what's good or what bad Gandhi who, when he became Lord took millions trying to Mahatma . rightly, be the change you wish to see in the world, be the change that you are . Shastri, Nehru, Patel, Bhagat, irrevocable, Anna, Kejriwal .... I do not know what they're doing? Mulayam, Lalu, Mayawati, Sonia, Karuna, King, what are Kalmadi not mean me! I do not have any sense of Mahatma! I speak against just two - or side ... Whatever is meant!

Families forced to run tied the hands ...... I speak false! Leave the family! Who has stopped? The family run and do our thing?
Dude pressure studies, where time is it? Yeah ... that's right ...... KFC dinner .... very time
Sister world is like what I do? Yeah right .... I see the world, people like you are standing in a field meant ...... all pointing towards each other .....

Why should I speak to you? What you mean to me? I'd say, just for two people ..... you do them ....

when the marriage of children, then their job, their marriage, their children where the man .........? Who is it? Why is that?

Well I do with them? He created me, or hurt? ..... I have only two complaints from people in my fight against him or from him beloved, who understand, it is equivalent ......

They are two people - one in which he is writing and the other who is reading this ...... yes ....... These two make the vow, if you dare everyone else? Society, governance, politics, career .... is all nonsense body so the body alive ..... if God will, the path will have to mind ......... enough .......... think it has to do with the soul decided that I leave to
these two guys ...

Monday 27 October 2014

Islam is the Religion of Peace not Terror

                    I watched the video. I am talking about the James Foley's beheading video. The true nature of this war has been so carefully hidden every supplied statistic and every image pruned like a prize rosebush. But the slaughter of James Foley seemed unspinnable. it was digital information for everyone who choose to look.
James Foley
                   Anyway I watched it A masked Islamic state militant holding a knife next to a man purported to be U.S journalist at an unknown location in the open desert. As much for effect , as for Identification the tape begins with clips of Foley's last word's and that is "I call on my friend's , family and loved ones to rise up against my real killers. I wish , I had more time. I wish , I could have hope of freedom to see my family once again.

James Foley on work
                 After watching this video . I was eager to know more about James Foley, then I found, He is James Wright "Jim "  Foley an American citizen and American Journalist and also a video reporter. He was working as a freelance war correspondent during Syrian civil war . He was the first American citizen killed by Islamic State of  Iraq and the Levant ( ISIL ) Which became now Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ( ISIS ) .

                On the Morning of 5 April 2011 when James Foley was in Brega , Libya . His Friend's were detained with him and a Spanish photographer detained at this time. Actually that time He and he his team films Libyan NTC fighters attacking the west side of Colonel Gaddafi 's home of sirte . He was detained by Gaddafi Supporter's . when he detained and one of his friend were dead in cross firing he stated that "Once I saw Anton Lying there dead,it was like everything had changed. The whole world has changed. I don't even know that I felt some of the blows.

Foley during Syrian Civil War
                Jim was released from the jail 44 days later. On 18 May In an Interview he said "You go through different emotions when you are in captivity... These weird extreme ideas of where you are based on this capture. You don't want to be defined as that guy who got captured in 2011. I believe front line journalism is Important without it we can't tell the world how bad it might be. Foley also wrote an article for Marquette Magazine about how rosary prayers helped him through his captivity.His experience of being captured did not deter him; he quickly returned to Libya, and at was the scene of Muammar Gaddafi's capture with global post correspondent Tracy Shelton on October 20, 2011. Foley Contined working as a freelancer for Global Post and other media outlets Like Agence France-Press during the Syrian Civil War.
                 James Foley's whereabouts were unknown to most untill August 19, 2014, when ISIS uploaded a video to YouTube entitled "A Message to America ". Though quickly deleted, it continued to circulate widely on other internet sites. Filmed in several takes. The preface starts with a preface of Obama announcing the first U.S airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq.It then cuts to Foley kneeling in the desert next to a masked , black-clad IS fighter where Foley reads a long message expressing regret. After Foley stops , the executioner condemns the U.S air strikes and threatens like
James Foley

"This is James Wright Foley an American Citizen of your country as a Government you have been the forefront of their christian towards an Islamic state. Toady your military Air force is attacked in Iraq. You strikes of course casualties on Mosque's of Muslim's. We are an Islamic army and state that has been accepted by large number of muslims worldwide so affectively any christian towards Islamic State is any Christian toward's Muslim. So any attempt by you Obama to deny the Muslims their rights of living safely under the Islamic state will resolve in the blood shed of your people.

            My Opinion 

       By watching all this . I was thinking, what happened to Humanity. Why this much of hate and terror they have in their mind ,Is it Jihad ?. 
       Being a Muslim I was shocked and as per my knowledge and belief it's not Jihad neither Islam permits Muslims to kill any innocent people , It doesn't matter that people belonging from which religion or community. They are not following Islam because Islam's one of the meaning is "PEACE" . and "Peace" is mentioned 58 times in the Holy Quran and it is certainty the most sought after condition for the life of every human on the Earth.

       But I didn't stopped here for a meanwhile I stopped thinking as Islamic follower, I stopped thinking based on my Opinion and I started searching for the information and start filtering the exact meaning of "Islam" and "Jihad".

      Finally I found the Meaning of "Islam" which was derived from Arabic word "Salema" means Peace,Surrender,Sincerity & Purity(to Allah) and Obedience. and then I remind every thing about the beheading story of James Foley.
A masked Islamic State Militant holding a knife speaks next to  US journalist James Foley  in the open desert at an Unknown location somewhere in Iraq or Syria

       They are Terrorist's not the Islamic Army and They are not fighting for any Islamic State because any Islamic state can't be built by Terrorism by War or by the River of Blood's. If they are saying that they are Islamic Army and they are fighting for Islam than they are Doing only terrorism and defaming Islam.
U.S President Barack Obama regrets on loss of Jim Foley 

       I believe that they are not belonging from my Religion because We believe to give respect to others and after all if they belong's from Our Religion than I pray for them to Allah " They are mentally sick and they are doing havoc on humanity and they are defaming Islam religion so please take them back".
        But Here Terrorism does'st end after that they Murdered Israeli-American Journalist Steven Sotloff and two British aid worker David haines and Alan Henning in the same manner.

       Whatever they did with people Islam Doesn't permit for this cruelty and Islam is the Religion of Peace not Terror .


Sunday 26 October 2014

India is Better than Iran

Reyhaneh jabbari
           Toady when I started reading News paper . I just went through a news in which Heading was "Iran hangs woman for killing man who tried to rape her" . I was shocked by reading this news and after that I went through this news and I understand all the story.
          A women named Reyhaneh Jabbari was convicted for murder . Actually she was self defensing herself for not being a victim of rape in 2007. She killed a official person named Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi , a former employee of Iran's Ministry of Intelligence.
Stoning on Reyhaneh Jabbari in Iran
           But Iran's top court rejected the claim of attempted rape and said all evidence proved that Reyhaneh Jabbari had plotted to kill Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi. 
           The decision of top court is based only one thing which may be a Coincidence that she had purchased a knife two days before the Commencement of asasination . and the top Court find her guilty and punished him with 7 year Imprisonment and after that on 2009 she was sentenced to death by Tehran Supreme court. By reading all this news . I can say one thing with full of confidence that  "India is Better than Iran".
People Against of the Tehran Court Decision
          She had completed her Imprisonment duration behind the bars. But no one took a stand for her and Today is the day to hang her .But this was Injustice and now if she will be hanged than this will be offence on our Humanity. and this should not be treated as a country base Injustice.
              Her case drew International Outcry and Sparked a petition urging her release , which has garnered over 190,000 signatures.
              Her Death was described as a " Travesty " by Amnesty International.